Faith & Worship Faith & Worship

Prayers for the Lectionary Year C

Praying through the Lectionary Year  C - Trinity Sunday

The Revised Common Lectionary (RCL) offers a three-year cycle with four readings for every Sunday in the Church Year.

These readings are:
A Lesson from the Hebrew Scriptures (or Acts during the Season of Easter)
A Psalm
A Lesson from the Epistles or Acts
A Lesson from the Gospels

The following prayers follow a traditional form using the pattern of ACT (Adoration, Confession and Thanksgiving).

There is also an opening prayer which can be used at the beginning of a service.

Trinity Sunday (First Sunday after Pentecost)

Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31; Psalm 8; Romans 5:1-5; John 16:12-15


Lord God, in a universe that seems so immense it is easy to feel insignificant as we stand here today. Yet we know that we are precious in your sight - unique individuals loved and blessed in so many ways. We stand in awe of the one who has created all things and dedicate this time and all our days to your service. Accept this offering we pray, our sacrifice of praise and worship. Amen


The warmth of the sun's embrace
the gentle breeze swept in by incoming tide
the rhythm of seasons
of new birth
death and recreation
All these speak so clearly of your love
your power
and your beauty
All are expressions of your creativity
and more importantly of yourself
As an artist might share his personality
within each brushstroke
so within the myriad colours
of a butterfly's wing
you share the exuberance of your love

That we can glimpse you within creation is a beautiful thought
but also tells us that you desire to be seen
to be found and known
Open our eyes, Lord as we walk through this world
feel the wind and sunshine
see the majesty of creation unfolding before our eyes
Help us to see you


God of healing,
God of wholeness,
we bring our brokenness,
our sinfulness,
our fears
and despair,
and lay them at your feet.

God of healing,
God of wholeness,
we hold out hearts and hands,
minds and souls
to feel your touch,
and know the peace
that only you can bring.

God of healing,
God of wholeness,
this precious moment
in your presence and power
grant us faith and confidence
that here broken lives
are made whole.


You grant us faith when hearts are troubled,
perseverance when the going is tough,
peace when our spirits are low,
strength enough.
You grant us hope when all seems hopeless,
your forgiveness when tempted to sin,
hands reaching out to embrace,
and welcome us in.
For peace,
and embrace
we give you thanks.

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